About Us
Established since 1986, KIONG GAY has grown to be one of the key leader in manufacturing fine quality ornamental and architectural gypsum plaster mouldings. Through the years, we have created more thanthousands pieces of gypsum plaster mouldings. The KIONG GAY name has become synonymous with tradition, quality, reliability and excellence.
Renovations and individually designed custom works for homes, condominiums, apartments, hotels, theaters, restaurants, offices, board rooms, departmental stores, mosques, churches, government buildings, courthouses and embassies are all specialties in which KIONG GAY excels.
KIONG GAY 成立于1986年,现已扩展成为全马制造优质室内装饰和建筑石膏灰泥模制品的领导者之一。这些年来,我们创造了上千具石膏灰泥模制品。KIONG GAY 的名字也因此成为传统,质量,可靠性和卓越的代名词。
KIONG GAY 为以下群体提供专业的装修和个性化定制服务,包括家庭,高级公寓,公寓,酒店,剧院,餐厅,办公室,董事会议室,百货商店,清真寺,教堂,政府大楼,法院大楼和大使馆。
KIONG GAY can supply any size project, large or small, directly from our 7.5-acre manufacturing facilities. Made to order and custom manufactured products are routinely delivered on time and within budget.
KIONG GAY 可直接从我们7.5英亩的生产设施供应任何规模的项目。 我们也确保顾客定做以及定制的产品能够在原定的时间内交付并在您的预算之内。
KIONG GAY products are made of non-combustible, nontoxic gypsum plaster and the gypsum powder are produce in-house at KIONG GAY's own factory. All the products are fire resistance, excellence thermal and sound insulation, and vermin proof.
KIONG GAY 的产品由不可燃性,无毒的石膏灰泥制成,而石膏粉则是在 KIONG GAY 自己的工厂内部生产。 所有产品均具有耐火性,卓越的隔热,隔音和防虫功能。